St Patrick's College Old Boy of the Year Award

The recipients of the Felix Kane Cup 

2021 Skipped due to Covid

Wayne Noel Guppy (Stream 1968-72) is the 2023 Old Boy of The Year recipient of the Felix Kane Cup. Wayne has given a lifetime of service within various communities.

The Old Boy of the year is Evan Bayly - Town 1970-1974. Evan represents many of the fine qualities that Felix Kane himself demonstrated in his long tenure developing and maintaining the association. He has been diligent in fostering a spirit of friendship across generations of old boys, with a keen interest in their welfare and families. He is a stalwart of both St Patrick’s colleges and promotes their interests, for example as a busy member of the organising Committee SPC Town 125 Jubilee Celebrations.

The Old Boy of the year is Grant Wayne Quinn - Stream 1962-1965. Grant Quinn is an Old Boy of St Pats Silverstream (1962-65) and is responsible for setting up the Special Olympics in New Zealand. His involvement, has played a huge role in making a positive change in New Zealand society's attitude towards people with intellectual disabilities. Grant's story is a remarkable one which recognises catholic principles such as human dignity, human equality and especially the right that people have a duty to participate in society, especially the poor and vulnerable. He has lead from the front and build a very strong community through Marist values such as sensitivity and openness to people, situations and events. In return New Zealand has become a better place through Grant's journey.

Sectare Fidem

The Old Boy of the year is Fr Denis O'Hagan SM - Town 1958 to 1962. Every year St Patrick's College Old Boys Association (SPCOBA) gathers annually to formally recognise and celebrate one of their many outstanding past students as a recipient of the Felix Kane Cup. St Patrick's Colleges of Wellington and Silverstream are founded on the values and leadership of the Society of Mary. The Marist priests, brothers and sisters taught at the Colleges for many years and remain the owners.

The Old Boy of the year is John Roy - SPC Silverstream 1947 to 1951. Every year St Patrick's College Old Boys Association (SPCOBA) gathers annually to formally recognise and celebrate one of their many outstanding past students as a recipient of the Felix Kane Cup. St Patrick's Colleges of Wellington and Silverstream are founded on the values and leadership of the Society of Mary. The Marist priests, brothers and sisters taught at the Colleges for many years and remain the owners.

The Old Boy of the year is Gerard Tully – SPC Silverstream 1976 to 1979. WelCom December 2017: Every year St Patrick’s College Old Boys Association (SPCOBA) gathers annually to formally recognise and celebrate one of their many outstanding past students as a recipient of the Felix Kane Cup. St Patrick’s Colleges of Wellington and Silverstream are founded on the values and leadership of the Society of Mary. The Marist priests, brothers and sisters taught at the Colleges for many years and remain the owners.

Sir Patrick Mahony – SPC Silverstream 1950 to 1953. Sir Patrick has been a major contributor to the life of both of our Colleges. He fully epitomises the qualities of a Patrician through his significant commitment to both Colleges and to the wider New Zealand Community. He has walked the talk and has lived “the Marist Principles” in all of his actions both professionally and within his communities. Sir Patrick was a highly regarded and sought after member of the judiciary on an international scale and was regarded as a world thought leader on family law and he championed child protection globally. Sir Patrick chaired the SPC Town Board of Trustees and devoted himself to the betterment of this College. In retirement after working in the Family Court, he continued to serve and contribute as a member of the Parole Board and throughout his life served in many capacities.

Francis Anthony Fanning – SPC Silverstream, 1962-63; SPC Wellington 1964-66. Francis served for more than forty years with great professional commitment, integrity and success in his chosen career of real estate. In a highly competitive field he was widely respected by peers for his ethical and collaborative approach and leadership skills. Over many years he has been engaged and continues to do so with dedication and distinction in a number of voluntary roles, several of which are high profile activities closely associated with the Church and that underpin its good name.

The Felix Kane Cup for 2014 Old Boy of the Year has been presented to Bill English and Brian McGuinness.

Congratulations Bernie Monk, Old Boy of the Year for 2013, who was awarded the Felix Kane Cup at the 2013 Old Boys Annual Dinner.


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